Effiesoft develops LMS for Directorate of Curriculum and Teacher Education (DCTE) Government of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. DCTE Khyber Pakhtunkhwa has developed National Standards for School Heads of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. After the introduction of National Curriculum in 2020, there were several new policy actions in place for managing any governance related challenges for education. Thus, it was felt that some guiding principles should be established for the Academic Supervisors of Schools in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. Thereafter, the Standards for School Heads were developed by the department with the support of British Council.

The National Standards were developed as a reference document with a roadmap to direct planning, monitoring, evaluation and review processes to review the required professional development of the School Heads to ensure they are equipped to fulfil their responsibilities.

Resultantly, the DCTE arranged Training of Trainers for Master Trainers for a select group of individuals to ensure that these Master Trainers are well versed and trained on the National Standards. However, this select group has limited capacity to impart the training in the entire province due to limitations of time and resources.

DCTE intended to launch an online platform for learning, testing and certification of School Heads in the entire province. The software provides access to several thousand teachers to learn about the nation standards, give an online test on completion of each module and receive a certificate of completion on completing all modules of the National Standards.

Effiesoft has developed the online learning management system for DCTE, funded by the British Council. The software provided online learning system in English and Urdu languages to the teachers across the province.